Oil 101

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Oil 101

Oil 101

Oil 101

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Oil 101

Product details

Hardcover: 452 pages

Publisher: Wooden Table Press; 1st edition (2009)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 9780982039205

ISBN-13: 978-0982039205

ASIN: 0982039204

Product Dimensions:

6 x 1.1 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.7 out of 5 stars

126 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#59,669 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

It is a great book in providing a "primer" on the industry. It covers a large ground from history to chemistry to every part along the production chain. However, the book is written in '09 and the information is dated, especially parts about declining rates and unconventional oils. A lot has changed about technology and production costs and the book in general writes off unconventional oil as a whole for the uneconomical nature (at the time). The author also subscribes to the peak oil theory which is proven less relevant now, a lot of information is laid out with such bias.

For 15 some years I have worked as a consultant that tangentially deals with the oil and gas industry, and yet I still found this book a very good read. So even though I know a fair bit about the chemistry and have a passing knowledge of the production and pricing processes, I learned something new in almost every section of this book.When you first crack it open you might be a little surprised to see that there are no color pictures, and that all of the graphs and pictures are of somewhat low quality - like a scans of images in an old thesis. But don't let that deter you! The substance is all there. You will learn about the discovery and early production of oil; all the types oil rigs; how crackers work; the myriad of products distilled from crude; how pipelines work and how prices are set. Historical references are used throughout, so you see for example how the Oil Embargo rippled through production and pricing and technology changes that spanned decades.But you also learn neat little things like how diesel engines differ from gasoline engines. Why European countries tax petroleum more than the US. How gasoline production changes between spring and winter. All great stuff. This is in essence a textbook, which is good in that you can start and stop reading at convenient places and skip certain sections without losing anything. It also means that you only dive in so far to any one topic. But it's not dry (in my opinion) and is easily accessible to any reader.

As a new crude commodity trader, I wanted a book to provide the fundamentals of the industry. This book is simply amazing. It provides all the relevant knowledge to close the gap that a financial guy has with a mechanical, chemical or petroleum engineer in the oil field. It provides a detailed analysis for the entire industry, all the products, how everything relates (physical upstream, downstream, midstream markets to the financial markets such as finance, trading and the market economy.While the book is a few years old and may miss the volume of U.S. unconventional production, it does a great job explaining the oil sands, shale oil, etc that are driving the industry. The level of detail is exceptional and the age of the book does not really matter.I would strongly recommend this book to anyone interested in the energy sector, especially for energy traders.

I purchased this book strictly with the intention of learning more about the trading side of the business but was very pleasantly surprised to find that it started from the very bottom of the ladder and revealed practically every essential detail of the industry. Being specifically employed in the gas industry I was skeptical at first of the value I stood to gain from reading this. But once I sank into even the first chapter I realized that a lot of gas industry practices and jargon were actually spinoffs or directly borrowed from the oil industry. The book spares no detail and takes nothing for granted as being already known or understood unless it was previously stated between its covers. It can thus be understood from the simplest level go up. Im just about halfway through but will certainly update my review once completed. I look forward to an updated version that perhaps expands some more on the world's oil balance given recent large discoveries in Brazil and Africa (East and West). Im not sure if the topic can be rightly squeezed into the same volume but a "Gas 101" might be a likewise appreciated accompaniment to this handy piece of work.I have two criticisms to give neither of which managed to diminish my inclination toward a five-star review. I guess my appreciation for the content over-rode both my cautions. Firstly, the shipping time was way too long. The book is a fast moving stock item and should at least be stocked to reduce shipout time. Secondly, the language, though simple to read at any level, is sufficiently poor in places to totally derail the flow and require you to read the same sentence twice or more. You will ultimately get the idea the author is trying to convey so I dont see this as being worth an entire star in the final rating. "Oil 101" is definitely a worthy investment rather than an expense and will aptly prime newcomers to the industry in just as much time as it takes them to read it.

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